Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Week 2

I am midway through my second week of Spanish school, and I feel like I am really improving! I am having conversations with my teacher, Cesar, on a variety of different subjects, from politics to culture to religion! He is very devoted to his evangelical christian faith and I have been trying to explain the basic tenets of yogic philosphy to him. In spanish, of course, so it makes even less sense! I have even more respect for my classmates in the TTC who had a different first language other than English. The concepts are so much bigger than the words used to describe them, and the translation of just the words doesn't really capture the meaning of the concepts.
I am enjoying getting to know other students in my school, although of course we are speaking English with eachother, despite my best intentions in the first few days I was here! Each afternoon there is a different activity, so today a woman demonstrated how to make buñadas, which are like a round donut that is eaten only during this time of year, lent. Yesterday the activity was a hike up to a nice lookout point over the city, but it was quite foggy. Last week, as I said, I got married one afternoon. Another afternoon I went to a macadamia farm, and another afternoon I had a tour of the city. 
Tomorrow afternoon, I am offering an activity! This week with my teacher I have been learning the imperative verb tense, which is the verb tense you use when giving instructions. So I had the bright idea that I should learn how to teach yoga in spanish and offer a free class to other students as practice! I sort of regret it now, because it sounds like a lot of people are going to come.... So I am getting nervous. Time to get back to rehearsing that. 

1 comment:

  1. great idea to learn the imperative tense in real time by teaching an asana class. way to go!
    Camelia and I went to LAings for a bread making workshop and came rarin' to go. I baked 6 loaves of sourdough on sunday/monday.
    Sue and Owen came yesterday for a visit, O said he likes coming here there's always so much to see!
