Saturday, March 29, 2014

Post retreat shopping spree

Ok... the persistence of the Guatemalan women finally wore me down. I left the yoga retreat this morning for Panajachel. Panajachel is the largest and least pleasant town on Lago de Atitlan... what is there to do here? I asked myself when I arrived. I opened my guidebook and guess what it said? Shopping! Apparently the prices and quality of crafts and weaving products are very good here. So, at first I thought I would just browse. Then I decided I needed something to use as a yoga mat next week when I am teaching so I bought a piece of weaving that the lady told me could be for a table/a bed/a towel/a yoga mat... I'm sure she would tell me it would be good for a trip to the moon as well. Anyway I bought one for a decent 150Q, which is about $22. Then I saw a beautiful jacket that I had to buy even though I won't be needing it for the rest of my trip... And at 400Q or $57 it wasn't that cheap either but its SO nice. Hopefully I still feel that way when I finally get to wear it next fall. Then I came and sat down in this cafe courtyard and I guess the owners are ok with women coming in and selling stuff because they kept coming at me. Maybe they could sense my vulnerability like coyotes... haha. Anyway I spent a decent amount of money. Everything is cheap of course, but it still adds up. And it is going to add up in terms of weight in my backpack. Ugh. 
I spent the past two days in silence. Ok not totally in silence, I cheated when I needed to go buy food or cross the lake to visit the ATM. But I did pretty good. I definitely felt the benefits of going inward. I may try it again sometime. I mean its not like I talk that much most of the time, but it was nice to be intentional about it. I felt like it really helped in some of my meditations, and the general stillness of my mind after the two days was quite remarkable. I don't know if I could do a 10-day Vipasana retreat, not to mention there were people in San Marcos doing 40 days of silence, I dont think I could do that!!! There was even a retreat centre with a dark room that was supposed to be like a cave, so people go and meditate in this dark cave for whatever number of days.. yikes! But I guess thats what serious yogis do in the himalayas.
Last night we came out of our silence and had a bit of a debriefing/closing discussion. It seemed like it was a powerful experience for everyone, in different ways. This morning the facilitator of the retreat invited me to teach the morning asana class. So now thats two classes under my belt! And I will have many more by this time next week! I am not sure if I will be teaching once or twice a day. I'm open to either, more experience is always better. 
I am not looking forward to the van ride... Gotta bring back my friend Dramamine. But I am ready to be in a different place, and everyone has told me that Semuc Champey is absolutely amazing. I will let you know in a few days.


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